Friday, November 2, 2012

This week's tips

So I spent what I would call an almost gluttonous day of painting on Tuesday. Did four demos and only one really didn' t turn out that well, which made it a very, very good day.

So this morning before I go to the studio, I thought I would share my discovery notes here.

1. Simply, simplicity rules.  Did a demo in Paynes' gray and burnt sienna of a ghostly moonlit lake. Graded wash on either side.  Later, I expanded it to a larger piece of just Payne's gray and the biggest (2 inch) flat brush I possess.  Wow, does that brush do good foliage!  Loaded with the gray, dark on the edges getting lighter in the center, and felt good about that.

2. A primary wash of yellow cad dried by blow dryer (I always was impatient!) really did a nice job of adding interest to the sky and brightening the piece.  Though I didn' t completely like the  picture (read Fail!) I liked the effect.

3. A mountain lake scene with wind and aspens turning. The original demo was in oil and the waves didn' t look quite right.  I consulted memory (I have been studying water for about five months now) and other pictures and made the shadow of the wave and enlongated triangle instead of the little u-shaped dip.  That was much better.  Also, my mountains and lake were too flat so used an exacto knife to create highlights and aspen tree trunks on the dry paper. That worked well.

4.Final demo an autumn scene with backlighting  from the sun.  Sky was yellow except where the sun peered through the trees where I left it white.  Not enough contrast in the pic as a whole, but the backlit effect worked well.

So, off to the studio.  I just hope I can remember all this.

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