Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hoping "Artist's Block" is over

Well, I am not sure what you call it, but I call it that.  No ideas; brush does the opposite of what I wanted, etc, etc.  This has been going on since I tried my first showing.  Since that showing was less than successful, I'd say that it is a miracle I didn't give up and go back to, say, writing, which is another dicey, block prone art.

But tonight, as I reworked a piece I started several days ago, it seemed to fall into place in a sort of surrealistic way that I am inevidably attracted to. There is something about impressionism and surrealism that I really can't shake.   This picture was made 1000 times (at least) better by the use of dark and light and a disregard for the middle values.  I say disregard, but the painting does have them;    it is almost impossible for them not to show up when the other two are in place.

I am hoping against hope that the use of strong contrast is the answer.  I have been sick of the mud I seemingly always made with paints that was glaringly absent from the charcoal drawings I have been doing. 
There may be other reasons why the charcoal seems  to be almost magical while with paints I am a slow plodder, but the contrast is definately one that is vital to a good picture.

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