And that's not Eeyore speaking, either. I would be shocked if anyone stumbled on this thing in blogdom, or whatever you might call that nebulous "kingdom of the blogs".
At any rate, if just for myself, I decided to get going on this. It will keep me honest. It will keep me looking for the next project and I hope it will keep me sane.
Since last here, I have been to Alaska and back, to New Mexico for an icon workshop at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Pecos (it was awesome) and to Italy and the Panama canal, and Peru. Plus the usual travelling to see/move family in various US locations. Yes, I have been in cars, boats and airplanes almost more than my studio. The last trip to Florence and Rome almost forced me to throw out my paints, brushes and pencils and take up watching TV professionally (if you can do that). Michelangelo, Raphael and Fra Angelico.....are......wonderful and discouraging all at the same time. In my recent reading, I have discovered, though, that just like me, they practiced, studied and learned from others. Not really too much different even with their uncommon and wonderful brilliance..
So, my current project? I am making a set of cards to give at Christmas, all handpainted watercolors and all different. I am throwing out about 50 percent of my work, but honestly it forces me to practice in a number of (consistent) ways and take challenges I wouldn't otherwise take on. And I think I am improving. So, all in all a good thing to do. As things transpire, I hope to do a better job of recording problems/thoughts/exasperations here.