Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thoughts on Traveling South

I am heading south, way south, to South America, specifically Argentina, Chile and Uruguay this Sunday.  I have never been where I am going and in a sense I feel as if it were a marvelous and uncertain adventure.  I go knowing only a little Spanish, so although I go with my husband, who knows a great deal more, the lack of understanding of the people around me is, in itself, is a bit daunting.

I had never thought to go here. In fact, I had never thought much about these places until my husband set up the trip. So I feel it has G-d written all over it, just because it is not on my "bucket list".  I do not know what I will find, or who I will meet or how it will change the way I look at things.  I do know that it is one more step on the journey, one more rung on the ladder leading Home. It is a place I must go and a thing I must do. So it has prayer written all over it too.

And this part of South America is a beautiful place.  I have seen some pictures and I am taking new journals full of watercolor paper, and new drawing pens, watercolor pencils and hope that, after a month and a half of artists' block, I will be able to free things enough to create--something, even if it is just a new friend.  It is funny how opening a sketch pad seems to open people up to conversation.   There is a certain fascination people have with art-in-progress--and in this case, I may be at a disadvantage with my remedial Spanish, so the art may just have to speak for itself.